Allergy Testing & Treatment in Valparaiso, Indiana
Like many parts of Northwest Indiana, Valparaiso has a lot to offer its residents. From beautiful parks to a lively downtown, there are many things to enjoy both indoors and outdoors in Valpo. Unfortunately, many people struggle with sneezing, coughing, itchy eyes, and congestion; these issues can really keep you from enjoying all of the attractions. Don’t let your allergies keep you from spending time with your friends and family in Valparaiso, IN. Schedule allergy testing and treatment now!
The expert allergy doctors here at Allergy & Asthma Specialists have proven, highly effective allergy testing and treatment procedures. Our practitioners have many years of experience and use the most modern equipment to treat your allergy symptoms. We offer allergy testing (such as skin allergy tests, allergy patch tests, allergy scratch tests, and food allergy testing) as well as exceptional allergy treatments (including medications, lifestyle modifications, and allergy shots). With your individual needs in mind, our allergy doctors will provide every solution that will have you living free of nagging allergy and asthma symptoms year-round.
At Allergy & Asthma Specialists, we make every effort to provide the most outstanding care to each and every patient in Valpo. When you call to schedule your first appointment for allergy testing, you will be treated with respect and honesty. Our courteous staff will have your best interests in mind throughout every allergy testing and allergy treatment process. We are committed to excellence and compassion in all we do, which is why we are honored to have received several local and state awards for exceptional healthcare. We are grateful to serve the residents of Valparaiso, Indiana!
Our reputable allergy doctors and care team offer the most reliable services, including: allergy skin testing (allergy scratch tests and allergy patch tests), food allergy testing, allergy shots, seasonal allergy treatments, asthma treatment and testing, and many other notable services. We have allergy and asthma care solutions for every person in Valparaiso and throughout Northwest Indiana.
Immunotherapy Allergy Shots for Valparaiso Residents
For many people, avoiding allergens is the easiest way to alleviate symptoms. But for some, this solution does not work. If you find yourself struggling with a persistent cough, sneeze, and congestion (despite efforts to avoid your allergens), then allergy shots may be the best solutions for you!
At our practice, our allergy doctors and allergy specialists use industry-standard, evidence-based allergy shots to alleviate chronic symptoms. These allergy shots boost your natural immunity to help your body effectively tolerate your allergens. Therefore, your allergy symptoms are diminished. Contact our care team for more information about immunotherapy allergy shots in Valpo.
Skin Allergy Tests, Such as Allergy Scratch Tests & Allergy Patch Tests
To determine the best treatment plan for you, our allergy doctors will first perform allergy testing to identify your triggers. The most frequent allergy tests are skin allergy tests, which include the allergy patch test and allergy scratch test. Once your allergens are identified, our allergy specialists can devise the most effective treatment solution for you.
An allergy scratch test introduces small amounts of various common allergens into your skin. Then, the allergy doctors monitor you for signs of a local reaction. This can indicate which substances cause an allergic response for you. Allergy scratch tests are safe and proven to be effective in diagnosing your allergies.
Food Allergy Testing & Food Allergy Treatment
Food allergies present with many symptoms. These can include itching, rashes, bloating, indigestion, digestive complications, and more. Overall, food allergies cause a lot of grief. Luckily, the allergy doctors at Allergy & Asthma Specialists are experienced in food allergy testing and treatment. Our team can quickly diagnose your allergens so that you can begin treatment and see relief for your food allergy symptoms.
Our allergy doctors use research-based treatment methods to alleviate your food allergy symptoms. With elimination diets, oral food challenges, lifestyle modifications, and medications, we will help you get relief from your allergy symptoms! If you are struggling with a possible food allergy, contact our team today for the most dependable and effective food allergy testing and personalized treatment in Valparaiso.
Seasonal Allergies & Treatment Procedures
Living in Valpo comes with many benefits, including numerous outdoor parks and events. Don’t let your seasonal allergies prevent you from experiencing life outdoors in Valparaiso, Indiana. At Allergy & Asthma Specialists, our allergy doctors are skilled and experienced to provide rapid and effective allergy testing and treatment for any person dealing with chronic symptoms.
Usually, seasonal allergies cause many symptoms, including:
- Congestion
- Coughing
- Sneezing
- Watery, itchy eyes
- Runny nose
When you are facing constant coughing, sneezing, and itchy eyes, it can be hard to enjoy your time with family and friends in Valpo. Don’t allow your allergy and asthma symptoms to keep you inside! Call the allergy doctors and care team at Allergy & Asthma Specialists today to schedule an appointment for allergy testing, allergy shots, and any other allergy treatment you may need. We are here to help!
Breathe Easy with Exceptional Allergy & Asthma Care in Valparaiso, IN
The first step in treating your persistent allergy symptoms is identifying the cause. Contact our allergy specialists today to receive a comprehensive health history assessment, symptom analysis, diagnostic allergy testing, and individualized allergy treatment plans. Once we have completed our testing procedures, we will have you breathing easier in no time!
We are dedicated to understanding every patient’s unique needs. Our allergy doctors will always consider your personal health history and health goals before starting any treatments. Then, our team will devise the most appropriate and effective allergy treatment plan for you. This may include allergy scratch tests, food allergy testing, allergy shots, medications, lifestyle modifications, diet changes, and more. With us, you will receive the best individualized allergy treatment for you in Valparaiso, Indiana.
When you are dealing with chronic sneezing, coughing, congestion, and itching, call the team at Allergy & Asthma Specialists. We will begin with individualized allergy testing, then move to the most effective allergy treatment protocols for you. Don’t let allergy symptoms control your life for another day! Take control of your allergies today by scheduling an appointment with the best allergy doctors for Valparaiso, Indiana.

Welcome to the Highland, Indiana office of Allergy & Asthma Specialists!
We’re located at:
9008 Indianapolis Blvd
Highland, IN 46322
That’s on the corner of Indianapolis Blvd and Martha Street behind Round the Clock restaurant.
If it’s your first time with us, please learn more about preparing for your visit.